"and someday you will find your own jailer's daughter, and in her you will bring light." ~Father Matong
I am the jailer’s daughter. I
have become her. Valentino Achak Deng’s words providing me a sight I never knew
existed. My vision was dimmed to parts of the world. But Achak’s memories and words
gently formed by Eggers, granted me light. From this light I have learned a valuable
lesson. This was a prophesy spoke to Achak by Father Matong while at a refugee
camp in Ethiopia. And I believe it came to pass while reading What is the
What and I believe anyone that reads this book the same shall happen to
them. I just completed this book today.
I stayed up late last night and spent a good part of my early morning reading What
is the What. It seemed to take me forever to read this book. It is long
532 pages to be exact, but with an increased font size of one point it would have easily doubled to 1064 pages, nevertheless; it was well worth it.
We in America are such a privileged
people. Even our poorest and lost have options and opportunities readily
available. In Sudan they have no such assistance. I don’t think our western
minds could bare such destruction in life, both to property and to life.
Reading firsthand what occurred in Sudan during a war that lasted over 20 years
is baffling. It seemed unbelievable. There were times I had to stop reading. I
often shook my head in disbelief and sighed in horror. Yet, I did not skip a
word. I did not skim a sentence. I did not speed-read through one paragraph. I
wanted, needed to take it all in. In doing so, I have been changed. The atrocities
that happen against human rights in Sudan must be stopped. Although this book
was written in 2006 the injustice against Sudanese still exists.

I will review this book
next. I encourage you to read it. I encourage
you to visit Achak’s website and become familiar with his cause. Again, Dave Eggers does not disappoint. I
swear Eggers can do no wrong. He is easily one of the best, if not the best
writers of our time.
Valentino Achak Deng Foundation
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