- Paperback: 224 pages
- Publisher: Thomas Nelson; Gld edition (February 13, 2018)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0785216731
- ISBN-13: 978-0785216735
Bart Millard did not have
an easy childhood. Millard's young life was plagued with physical and emotion
abuse. In his memoir, "I Can Only Imagine" Millard reveals all the heartache
he endured at the wrath of his father's hands and the abandonment he suffered
by his mother.
What seemed like a
blueprint for an adult life of crime or worse, Millard by his faith in God had
his life transformed. Millard has gone on to entertain the world with his musical
Christian group, Mercy Me. Millard tells the captivating story behind what
inspired him to write the spiritual ballad, "I Can Only Imagine".
Millard's father was a
charismatic fellow, physically big and with a heart to match. A popular local
football hero with a bright future ahead of him. Soon, life would change his
father's world, when through a freak car accident, Millard's father suffered a
head injury that changed his personality for the worse. He began to emotionally
abuse Millard's mother and after an abusive marriage, she left him. Millard's
mother remarried a few times, once to an abusive man and the other to a man
whom she would soon leave her sons for.
Once Millard began living
with his father, the physical and emotional abuse became even worse. Millard
describes that even through the living torment he suffered while living with
his father he found hope. That hope started in church. After an injury had
stopped Millard's football career, Millard took to singing. His voice came as a
surprise to everyone, including himself. He started attending church and soon
found solace in God's presence. Millard would spend long evenings, and just
about every free moment he had in the church.
There are horrific
descriptions of Millard's abuse suffered at the hands of his father, images so
raw and brutal that the writing is tough to read. The book is worth the read,
despite of all the heartache the reader will feel page by page. The end of the
memoir reveals the true grace and love that only God is able to complete.
Millard's father does not
stay the man he was. He is transformed when a health scare causes him to
rethink his life. In this transformation, the reader witnesses Millard's father
being shaped by God's forgiving hands. This captivating images are what fueled
Millard to write the beloved song , I Can Only Imagine.
Yet, the book is not only
about the relationship between Millard and his father. It is bursting with
examples of God's plan in his life. Just when things in Millard's life unexpectedly
changed, a new opportunity would become available. These moments are shown time
and time again throughout the book. Precise moments that allowed Millard to
move forward on God's path for his life. I Can Only Imagine is a book that
needs to be read. It is an inspirational and spiritual journey of one man's
life and an example for all believers to hold on to.
Reviewed by Francine.
Beth Moore
Goodbye Insecurity!
have never been one to shop in the self-help section of bookstores, much less
read one in entirety. However, when I heard the church I attended was having a
bible study class where an entire book would be read, I jumped at the
chance. I love reading books with other
people and discussing it and I thought this women’s book club would be no
had never read a Beth Moore book before, nor had I ever heard of her. The writing
was pretty basic and easy to get through. Although I do not battle with
personal insecurity and I would even venture to say I am a little too
confident, because well I’m just greatJ. Moore’s
book even described this lofty attribute as a possible insecurity. As I read
more I think I can honestly say that maybe it is.
was interesting to read that insecurity is not always an incident that occurs
when one was young and festers until adulthood. Events can happen at any point in one’s life,
whether it is as a result of another’s actions or words.
uses analytical statistics and provides studies and research from both the male
and female perceptive on insecurity. She then provides detailed explanations
why insecurity is often deep rooted by something else. Once insecurities are pinpointed
it really then allows one to seek God’s guidance on dealing with these issues
and ridding one’s self of the nasty insecurities that plague one’s soul.
class I took was filled with women that gladly offered their own reasons for insecurities.
Their truthful stories I found more emotionally moving then the book itself.
For instance, one woman said that she always felt unattractive because while
she was single she overheard her father tell a family member that she (the
youngest daughter) would most likely be the last to find a man and marry because,
“…well look at how she looks”. This woman’s father did not know she was in the
next room and heard him basically declare that she, his daughter, was unattractive.
There were many other stories that followed by some of the women there. I
respected their honesty.
Moore’s book is Christian centered, it will clearly resonate with any woman
that has ever been hurt, let down, broken down or even for the lofty few out
there. The theme of self-doubt is universal making Moore’s book beneficial for
any woman.
I read another book by Moore? No, probably not. I enjoyed this book but this
type of self-help reading is not my cup of tea.
I rate this book- one star. Good book. I recommend it. But not my cup of tea.
By Francine

Written By Shelley Lubben
Paperback, 300 pages
Published October 16th 2010 by Createspace
The title itself prepares you for what will follow- porn,
sex, lost souls, pain, love, and redemption. Lubben covers every one of those
words to the fullest. From cover to cover, you follow Lubben through her
childhood, her lost innocence and living a broken, lost life of a porn star and
her eventual redemption.
Lubben takes you with
her through every phase with such an unimaginable
honesty, often times, I was so taken back by her raw descriptions of the porn
life and her journey into unpredictable evil circumstances that I but the book
down in shock.
Throughout each chapter and in every aspect, her honesty is
clearly visible and one can only root for her by the middle of the book.
It seems the only constant in her life was God and in the end, like the
lifesaver he is, he takes center stage and the book itself transforms from an
early raw and gritty read into a fierce beautiful relationship with Lubben and
life, her family and her God-given calling.
Lubben shines the
light on the darkness the porn industry has had on the lives of women for
Most harrowing is the
chapter in which her daughter born during her prostitution days writes a
chapter on how she felt as the young daughter of a porn star. Finally, we get
the truth of what that lifestyle is really about and the conditions in which
women work under and the embarrassment that follows.
All of a sudden the sex crazed porn industry doesn't look as
glamorous as it makes one believe, rather it looks sickening.
I read this book years ago and felt that it goes along with the last book, Dancing for the Devil, the two books shine a bright light on an industry that many are not privy too. Lubben, just as Donewald, open the door to this world and allow us to see that the alleged glam is not what it seems. I heard Lubben speak at a conference for women shortly after this book was published. She was a guest speaker at Cornerstone Church and she was a real inspiration. To see what God had done in her life is truly breathtaking. She is now happily married and a mother and still out there bringing awareness and offering help to anyone in the sex industry wanting out.
I recommend this book and give it three stars.
By Francine
Dancing for the Devil
One Woman's Dramatic and Divine Rescue from the Sex Industry
Published by Simon & Schuster/Howard Books
384 pages
ISBN 9781476759081
Publish date: October 2014
Anny Donewald’s Dancing for the Devil opens the door to what actually takes place behind all the allure of strip clubs and high-priced prostitution. It would seem that the world of the sex industry, which has sadly become so mainstream in American culture, was all glitz and glam. Yet, in reality there are souls of broken and lost girls that have experienced sexual abuse at an alarming rate that led many of these women down this path. Donewald’s book Dancing with the Devil provides an in-depth look at this world, complete with statistics placed at the beginning of each chapter that will have one gasp in horror of just how prevalent sexual abuse and the sex industry are really connected.
Donewald is brave in her story telling. Her family background is so complete and even inspiring to read that one would never imagine a girl from such a promising, God-fearing family would end up in the arena of a strip club. Yet, this is what makes the story so intriguing that this could happen to anyone who suffers sexual abuse and does not receive help.
Donewald’s parents were both affluent in their community. Her father was a NCAA coach and her mother Kathy were both pillars of faith and ideal parents. They were a loving and nurturing couple that led a solid Christian life. I found the details of how they lived so encouraging. They never wavered; as a family they always trusted in God and stuck together. Yet, as much as they tried to protect their children, a teenage Donewald was sexually abused by one of players on her father’s basketball team. Donewald never told a soul and this abuse and secret would play a huge role in what led her to strip dancing.
The book carries the reader down the exact path that
Donewald walked. At times the images were so raw and real that it was
impossible to not feel the inner turmoil that women in the sex industry feel. The
bondage of quick money, booze and drugs that keep these women chained to that lifestyle
seemed at times unbreakable. For Donewald she had the key to redemption at her
fingertips with the unconditional “love never gives up” motto her mother Kathy
lived by.
Kathy’s role in the book was honestly such a striking force.
She was the example of God’s love. She never judged her daughter or scolded her
for living a life she was opposed to, nor did she ever come down on her hard
with scripture and pointing all the wrongs she was committing. Instead, she unconditionally
stood by, quietly praying, encouraging her daughter through love and example
that she was meant for more. The power of a mother’s love and faith in God was
evident throughout. Donewald’s parent’s home became a safe haven for her and
her two children.
With a new life in Christ, Donewald’s life begins to
transform. The power of submitting to God and letting him work began to take
control of her life. In the end she comes out on top. Donewald eventually returns back to the same
strip clubs with her non-profit Eve’s Angels to offer unconditional love ,
prayer and a safe haven for women wanting out of the lifestyle. An example she
no doubt learned from watching her mother’s faith and love toward her.
Dancing with the Devil is a powerful story of girl damaged by
sexual abuse and taken down a dark road in the sex industry only to not end up
a statistic but rather a redeemed solider. She comes out alive, stronger than
ever, with the love of Christ. I also really respected that Donewald stayed in school during all the turmoil of the sex industry. She graduated with a B.A from Western Michigan University.
This book covers many topics; sexual abuse, the sex industry, domestic violence, rape, Hollywood stars, Las Vegas, and God's Redemption. It is also a story about family; and how with the support and love of family
one can make it and endure any situation. The preface and foreword of the book,
I always save for the end. In this, I was glad I again stuck to my reading tradition. The preface written by Donewald herself and
the foreword written by her cousin and co-writer Carrie Gerlach Cecil really
brings the book full circle. In all of what life throws at us, with God in
control when you step back it is easy to see how all things good or bad He can
work for good. Cecil and Donewald’s
connection was ordained. For what this book will do and how it will change
lives is inevitable.
I give this book 4 Stars. Highly Recommend, Bookshelf worthy!
I received an advance copy of this book courtesy of NetGalley for my honest opinion. Thank you NetGalley. Thank You Simon & Schuster/ Howard Books.
By Francine
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