River Queens: Saucy boat, stout males, spotted dog, America

wants to be invited.” Grandmother insisted in answer to my protests about
inviting a kindergarten nemesis to my fifth birthday party. “Not everyone wants
to come, but everyone wants to be invited.”
My responsibility is to invite everyone to participate in River
Queens. My guest’s responsibility is to decide if the offer is right for them.
Not everyone wants to read about two gay men bounding across the hinterlands in
a fabulous vintage yacht.
Watson – 18 October 2018
I want to say a huge thank you to Alexander
Watson for inviting me to take part on his journey by reading River Queens. I
received an advance copy of River Queens, courtesy of Mr. Watson. I am about halfway
through the book and I must say it has been a peaceful and interesting sail.
Thus far, the best of 2019.
Eight days into the new year, 139 pages into River Queens and I am smitten.
Smitten with Watson's detailed, humorous and honest account of going outside
the lines of life and truly LIVING.
I love his voice. Watson is a
fine storyteller. River Queens has all my favorite things in life, rivers, an ever
present and supporting mother, dogs, gay men and risk taking.
I look forward to reviewing this
novel. As one can clearly tell just by
this introduction, I am completely in love with this memoir. Grab a copy at
Amazon or order below from Watson's website and read with me. It is a reading journey
I am confident you do not want to miss. Start off 2019 the right way, reading
River Queens with Anthem Book Review.
Order River Queens here: https://www.riverqueens.us/
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